Merchant Coffee Co.


is your space

Merchant Coffee Company is located in the heart of downtown Ambridge, Pa right on the 'main drag', Merchant Street. When we first began to work on the demolition and building process in September of 2019 we had an entire space to renovate. Historically the building that we are located in has had many different businesses occupy the space. Some of these include a car dealership, a cheese stick factory, duck bowling lanes and a beauty salon equipment store. After taking down two drop ceilings, a plaster ceiling, a stage, many walls and all of the surprises, we had a lot of space to fill. Thanks to the services of some wonderful local professionals we began to build. Almost one year later we opened our doors on September 10th 2020. Come check us out and become a part of our space.


is your gain

Merchant Coffee Company seeks to provide a clean and welcoming environment for all people. Community is our passion, coffee is our craft and we do it all with care. It's pretty simple and we like to keep it that way. Here at MCCo we strive to create an atmosphere where people can connect with each other as well as themselves and the world around them while having a solid cup of coffee in hand.

Our main source of beans are local and from our absolute favorite roaster, Commonplace Coffee. Commonplace is a sustainable and fair trade company, house and roaster that cares deeply about the farm and farmers where they source their beans as well as each and every customer. They have become great friends of ours and with seven locations spread throughout the greater Pittsburgh area we suggest you check them out sometime. ;-)

Our identity will be defined by the way we respect and care for our customers and employees, the dedication to learning how to always prepare a great cup of coffee or espresso and being a hub within the community for organic personal and communal growth. With our hearts set on community, coffee, craft, care and creativity we welcome you to join us at any point in our journey!


in a bunch of words

Merchant Coffee Company is a small business that was birthed from three partners. One with a passion for people and coffee and the other two existing partners in a local thriving bar/restaurant. With a love for craft beer, craft bites and craft coffee the three partners set out to create a space and fill a void within the community. Wanting to share with the community the love for craft coffee, scratch made food as well as creating a simple and clean space for customers, MCCo was set into motion.

Just like beer, coffee is quickly becoming a unique craft where more and more people are seeking out flavor profiles, textures, and styles. Two different cups of coffee could be compared to the difference between a Miller Lite and Bell's Two Hearted. Not all of one thing is usually created equally. So we encourage you to stop by grab your preferred beverage, get a bite from our kitchen, have a set and enjoy! Our space was created for you!
